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Total Children Supported
About Haji Bolkiah Global Initiative

We Are Non-Profit
Charity Organization.

We exist for children. To make their world a better place. To help them learn, grow and become who they want to be. No matter where they're growing up, we find a way to reach the children who need us most.

Like the world-changers who support our organization, we are focused on making a long-term impact by helping kids living in poverty.

  • Fight to end hunger for life.
  • Help poor children return to school.
  • Support the poor and elderly to have better lives.

Child Education

Education is the route out of poverty for many children, which is why we help millions of children go to school.

Children's Health

We are working tirelessly towards a future where all children can get all medical care and support they need to thrive.

Childrens Right 2 Food

Children's Right2Food programmes is an initiative to ensure every child in the world can access and afford good and healthy food.

Clean Water

The Clean Water Initiative project aims to improve access to safe water, proper sanitation and hygiene practices for children.

Our Vision

Our vision is that every child and young person has a safe and happy childhood, and the foundations they need to thrive. We put children at the heart of everything we do. That includes our mission and values. They're our blueprint for the way we work.