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Hunger has no boundaries. It affects millions of children, seniors, and households in communities across the world. That's why our Food Assistance Program is designed to reach children, seniors, and families no matter where they live or spend time.
Children going hungry isn't new. But many of the reasons are: pandemics, rising prices and disasters caused by climate change.
Around the world, our teams provide counselling, breastfeeding support, malnutrition screening, vitamin supplements and cash transfers.
Save A Child center recognizes that the future of any country depends on the vitality of its children. That is why we fight to provide the nutrition that they need to grow and to thrive, and to educate their families on good eating habits to ensure the sustainability of our programs.
Through our school kitchens program, we provide more hot and well-balanced meals every school day. We also deliver foodstuffs for the daily meals of orphans, children with disabilities, and elderly.
When the COVID-19 pandemic left lots of people on the brink of starvation, Haji Bolkiah Global Initiative launched the food relief program. While our traditional focus is the welfare of children, we also help struggling families through special programs in communities that are still recovering.