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A donor-advised fund allows you to give back to a cause that's close to your heart. It's an opportunity to put your charitable dollars to work - where the need is great - but on your own terms. Thus, you have flexibility to tailor your philanthropic giving in easy, cost-effective ways.
You can designate funds to an emergency response, make an unrestricted annual gift or recommend recurring payments to a special appeal.
Another option is to support programs that meet your interests, such as maternal and newborn health, early childhood education, gender equality, child rights and more. You can also designate Haji Bolkiah Global Initiative as a beneficiary for your donor advised fund.
As you know, the poorest children and families in marginalized communities bear the brunt of the challenges we face today. Your support helps Haji Bolkiah Global Initiative's work in 120 countries, including the U.S., and reaches over 100 million children each year.